CRFSC Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety Course Onoway Legion
From: $135.00
CANADIAN RESTRICTED FIREARM SAFETY COURSE (CRFSC) the CFSC is the prerequisite. $135 per student, including books and equipment.
Course starts at 800 am sharp. Doors open at 0730 for registration
Bring Government ID, Bring lunch as it is NOT provided. 30 minute lunch break, we are close to 97st if you need to pick up lunch
Wear appropriate clothing to handle firearms
Federal and Provincial Courses offered
Canadian Federal Firearms Safety Course (aka Possession and Acquisition Liicence – PAL), Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course, and Alberta Hunter Education. Consultation services for safe firearms storage and disposal of unwanted firearms.
If you do not plan on owning a handgun then you do not need the restricted course, however in our experience it is preferable to have both.
On completion of the course you will receive a course report which is sent to the RCMP and will allow you to get your Possession and Acquisition Licence.
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